The General Education program prepares students for responsible leadership and service in communities at home and abroad. The General Education curriculum accomplishes this primarily through the active development of broadening cultural awareness, moral decision-making, using effective oral and written communication, demonstrating critical thinking, applying quantitative and scientific reasoning, and utilizing technology and information literacy appropriately.
Student Learning Outcomes
• Cultural Awareness: Students will examine the impact of the contributions of diverse peoples with an emphasis on African Americans and peoples of the African diaspora.
• Biblical Foundations: Students will apply biblical knowledge and Christ-centered values and attitudes to current issues, health principles, service, and moral decision-making.
• Communication: Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively to local, national and global audiences using multiple methods.
• Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate competence in critical thinking through writing.
• Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning: Students will apply knowledge of basic science and mathematics for understanding the physical and social world.
• Technology/Information Literacy: Students will display competence in the application of technology and information literacy.
General Education Requirements for Associate’s Degree
Requirements for Associate Degrees All associate degrees require a minimum of 60 semester hours, composed of: general education requirements, concentration requirements, and electives. Variations in the total hours required for degree completion or in the general education requirements are noted in the bulletin sections of the appropriate departments. In those instances where the credits for general education, the major, and electives within the major are less than 60 hours, additional electives are required. Please consult with the appropriate academic advisor for details.
Commencement Participation
The following policy defines the requirements that must be met for students to participate in commencement exercises.
Spring graduates must:
• Have an application for graduation on file that has been reviewed and approved 42 by the Registrar’s Office
• Be enrolled in spring semester classes at Knoxville College that will complete all degree requirements
• Be financially cleared
Graduation Diplomas
Diplomas for degree candidates are ordered for those qualified to participate in the senior presentation program. Diplomas are only issued to graduates who have fulfilled all academic and financial obligations to the institution.
Diplomas are issued at the following times:
• By the end of June for spring semester completion
• By the end of January for fall semester completion
General Education Curriculum
The following courses satisfy the general education requirements:

Concentration Requirement (19-21 hours) A minimum of 19 hours must be completed to meet the concentration requirements. Substitute courses can only courses approved by the department chair.