Natural Sciences
Academics . Undergraduate Studies . Natural Sciences
Undergraduate Studies
Department of Natural Sciences
The Department of Natural Sciences provides a foundation in scientific methods and principles sufficient for students to pursue science-based careers or to pursue further training in a professional discipline. The department serves diverse student needs: in addition to the biology courses for the general education core, the department offers technical courses, Biology and Chemistry preparation for prospective teachers, and research experiences to prepare students for further study and employment in government and industry. The Biology Seminar is the culminating course for this concentration.
Undergraduate Studies
Department of Natural Sciences
Description of Courses
BIO 1000 Life Sciences 3 hours
This course is designed for non-science majors. It is a basic study of biological principles involving plants and animals.
BIO 1110-1120 General Biology I-II 4 hours/4 hours
A study of the fundamentals of biochemistry, physiology, genetics, systematics, and ecology.
BIO 2000 Medical Terminology 2 hours
This course is the study of basic medical language skills including, pronunciation, spelling, and definitions as a foundation for developing the degree of competency required to read and understand medical reports and communicate with physicians and other medical professionals. (2 credits)
BIO 2110 Microbiology 4 hours
The purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with the concepts that are basic to identifying viruses, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, microbial growth, evolution and classification, and how microorganisms function in disease. Lab included. (Prerequisite: BIOL 1110-1120)
BIO 2120-2121 Anatomy & Physiology I-II 4 hours/4hours
This course will cover the basic concepts of biology biochemistry (cell theory, cell structure, cell metabolism, and cell reproduction) before proceeding to a detailed study of the normal histology, gross anatomy, and physiology of each body system within the human organism. Lab included.
BIO 2500 Biology Seminar 1 hour
This seminar allows students the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a specific area of the instructor's expertise. Students will be required to bring together interests and skills developed in this and previous courses to make in-depth oral and written presentation on a topic of their choosing. This capstone course will capture the spirit and breadth of the field of Biology through a guided investigation and literature review associated with the chosen subject.
CHM 1110-1120 General Chemistry I-II 4 hours/4 hours
A survey of the fundamental concepts including laws and theories; elements, compounds and mixtures; atomic and molecular structure; measurements; language and stoichiometry; ionic and covalent bonding; states of matter; chemical calculations; and chemistry of solutions.
CHM 2010-2020 Organic Chemistry I-II 4 hours/4 hours
This course is the study of types of carbon compounds, their nomenclature, reactions, and physical properties. (Prerequisite: CHM 1110-1120)