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Public & Environmental Health

Academics . Undergraduate Studies . Public & Environmental Health

Undergraduate Studies
Department of Public & Environmental Health

The Department of Public and Environmental Health provides a foundation for students to pursue health-related careers or further their educational training to advance in the discipline. The departmental courses are designed to prepare students to learn how public health assists in improving the health status of people in the community through education, develop community based partnerships, and collaborate with the community to identify health concerns.

Environmental health is the study of how environmental factors can impact human health, and how to identify, prevent, and control these effects. Environmental health specialists use a broad background of scientific, technical, and behavioral knowledge and skills to investigate, evaluate, and eliminate environmental conditions that may be harmful to people or communities. After studying the health problems and needs of the community, they plan and implement control programs in a variety of areas including ambient noise, hazardous substances, solid wastes, land use, pests, and housing.

WIne Turbines

Undergraduate Studies
Department of Public & Environmental Health

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Description of Courses

Environmental Health


ENV 1050 Principles of Epidemiology 3 hours
Introduces the principles of epidemiology and their application to the investigation, prevention and control of illness, injury and disease..

ENV 1100 Environmental Safety 3 hours
Considers the principles and practices of environmental health and safety in natural bathing places, swimming pools, campsites, day nurseries, parks, schools, colleges, and industry.

ENV 1150 Environmental Analysis 4 hours
Provides training in physical and chemical analysis of water, wastewater, food, air, and toxic materials, principles of applied toxicology.

ENV 2200 Introduction to Air Pollution 3 hours
A study of the causes, effects, and control of air pollution. Emphasis is placed on ways individuals, communities, metropolitan areas, and industry can prevent or control pollution.

ENV 2250 Introduction to Hazardous Waste 3 hours
Considers hazardous waste in its various forms. solid, liquid, and gaseous. Topics covered include generation, storage, transport, and disposal of the waste.

ENV 2260 Principles of Radiological Health 3 hours
The basic principles and procedures pertaining to the safe control of all common sources of ionizing radiation and the causes, effects, and control of radiation are included.

ENV 2500 Environmental Health Seminar 1 hour
This seminar allows students the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a specific area of the instructor's expertise. Students will be required to bring together interests and skills developed in this and previous courses to make in-depth oral and written presentation on a topic of their choosing. This capstone course will capture the spirit and breadth of the field of health through a guided investigation and literature review associated with the chosen subject.


Health & Wellness


HED 1510 Health and Wellness 3 hours
This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge of current health problems including physical fitness, nutrition, and major diseases, and to encourage the application of this knowledge for healthful living.


Public Health


PBH 1000 Introduction to Public Health 3 hours
This course familiarizes students with the field of public health, including the historical and current practices. Major cultural, social, economic, organizational, and environmental factors influencing public health issues and practices at the local, state, national, and international levels will be presented.

PBH 2000 Health Communication 3 hours
This course examines the communication processes that shape beliefs, decisions, and behavior regarding health, sickness, and health care. The course examines the attitudes and actions of many participants in health communication, including citizens, health professionals, and those engaged in public debate of health issues. (Prerequisites: PBH 1520)

PBH 2030 Introduction to Biostatistics 3 hours
Statistical logic and elementary techniques of statistical analysis as applied to health. Collection and interpretation of population, natality, morbidity and mortality statistics. Elementary epidemiology, probability, sampling and tests of significance will be introduced.

PBH 2050 Health Services Administration 3 hours

This course reviews and prepares students to understand the components of health care in the United States and the principle delivery systems used in their provision. Organizational theory and design are discussed and evaluated in light of past and present health services systems. Provides an understanding of health care financing and its impact on access to and delivery of health care to different populations.

(Prerequisites: PBH 2030)

PBH 2100 Health Policy and Politics 3 hours

This course applies the analytical skills of policy formation to the health professions. The course will focus on analyzing the processes in the design, adoption, implementation, and evaluation of current health policy. (Prerequisites: PBH 2030)

PBH 2150 Behavioral Change Theory for Health 3 hours

Provides a systems view of health, public health, health behavior and health promotion planning. Expansive study of the most commonly applied theories and approaches to public health research and programs. Case study application of essential measurement, evaluation, and translation tools.

PBH 2180 Community Health Assessment 3 hours

Provides students with the opportunity to develop and apply strategies for identifying and prioritizing individual and community health status, risks, and needs. Topics may include development, administration, analysis, and interpretation of qualitative and quantitative needs assessment strategies including stakeholder interviews, focus groups, and survey questionnaires, which are included in a written assessment report. Students select a real world health problem and population to be the focus of.

PBH 2240 Community Health Consulting 3 hours

This course focuses on implementation and evaluation of specific health programs and services that students have designed for community and organization settings. The course integrates guided consultative activities involving group process, training, interpersonal communication, and organizational and community development. The final product is a written research report of the health promotion intervention.

PBH 2350 Personal & Community Wellness 3 hours

Provides knowledge and skills needed to successfully make personal health behavior changes, assist others in the process of changing health behaviors, and work within a group to enact community-wide health initiatives. The course includes didactic information from nationally recognized sources and presentations from community experts covering top mental and physical health issues. In addition, the course provides interactive skill development activities to enhance students’ ability to act as wellness peer-educators, role models, and team members.

PBH 2450 Community Health 3 hours

This course studies and analyzes community health problems and their causes. The course explores the organization, administration, and work of agencies involved with community health, with emphasis on the professional’s responsibility for the assessment, delivery, and evaluation of health information and services in the community. Time will also be spent performing an actual community health project with a community group.

The Community Health course will serve as a capstone learning project for the students. The students will be required to assist in the implementation of a health program from its beginning until its end, which will involve (1) identifying a study population, (2) engaging in preliminary talks to effectively communicate the need, (3) advertise the event, (4) assist in coordinating the event, and (5) conduct a post program analysis and report. This final project will be combination of continued classroom lecture and program performance. The students will have a list of individuals to contact for the event supplied by the instructor. A target population will be selected and will be on board for a having program, but the students will have to initiate the program from its inception to conclusion. (Prerequisite: Permission by instructor)

PBH 2500 Health Seminar 1 hour

This seminar allows students the opportunity to work closely with an instructor in a specific area of the instructor's expertise. Students will be required to bring together interests and skills developed in this and previous courses to make in-depth oral and written presentation on a topic of their choosing. This capstone course will capture the spirit and breadth of the field of health through a guided investigation and literature review associated with the chosen subject.

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